HOME 2008-07-07
Carrie Amelia Moore Nation B. 11.25.1846 Garrard County, Kentucky / D. 6.9.1911 Leavenworth, Kansas Public Speaking I let things drive me crazy. It�s like a habit how I form an unreasonable attachment within the first ten minutes of every party why not prolong it I�m clingy when I get around the stronger sensations � like it�s by choice when I pick, invariably, the most expensive pair of pants on every rack of course I can�t afford it I�ve just got super-sensory tastes for the rarer sensations � as if like the last of the speakeasies, tucked away where I am has a small door to admit aggravations of every degree even imperceptible I�m always doing business with some disreputable sensations � but it�s like it�s been landmarked why I summon divine intervention from my crease cracked star map�s every compass point probably draining resources I really do get the most out of the higher sensations. I long for a good sacrifice. Consolation Site: illegal �joints�
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