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I pay attention, I stop paying attention. I make an effort to start, or start to.
�Helmut was very clear that he liked a big girl and blond girl, in an impeccable suit and high heels,� said Anna Wintour, the editor in chief of Vogue.
I don�t always care.
�He would take that girl and put her in some wicked or naughty situation, kissing another woman or in handcuffs.�
Car crash at the Chateau Marmont.
His final spread in Vogue will appear in the March edition, and in typical fashion, depicts a model eating grass and another lying on a bed of nails.
Thank god that�s over, I�ll think.
I never really had my big moment on the screen.
Ann Miller. I love her tapping in Stage Door. Lung cancer in Hollywood. Tap tap tap tap tap tap
her agent said she could actually produce 500 taps a minute. Nobody ever disputed him.
I topped the chart on the typing test at MIT in 1997 and the HR lady didn�t even say Congratulations.
In 1946, she married a millionaire.
Each and every resentment I've ever inspired�including those only suspected�I've matched with a grudge. Whereas nothing could be more absurd.
I have lived in castles, in Venetian palaces and the world�s finest hotels.
Prince Alfonso Hohenlohe-Langenburg, Who Built Resorts, like him I should complain.
I have watched the sun rise over the beaches of five continents
(prostate cancer in Marbella)
and I have looked into the eyes of the most beautiful women of the universe.

Quotations from The New York Times (Jan 2004)

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