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Margaret Mead
B. 12.16.01 Philadelphia / D. 11.15.78 New York

How is your beloved Hingis faring at Wimbledon this year? Fuck you.
Do you ever feel you should be doing more with your life? I don�t really have an entry for tonight, since I was up until 2 writing the entry before�you know when I post them after midnight I backdate them like I used to my personal checks when I paid bills�
Why do you persist in undermining your own reputation? �and then I wrote advertising proposals all day after which I spent until 10:30 working on my editorial assignment (eg. "In this glamorous age of multi-tasking, why not adopt a look from hunters in the Northern Philippines, and wear an elegant wooden hat you can turn upside down to use as a bowl when you snatch a lunchtime salad on the run? Or emulate the ruling classes of Sumatra, and appoint a piece of gold jewelry to take your place at the conference table when you�ve overbooked? Such simple solutions have been kicking around for centuries, scattered among the traditions of disparate peoples who all had one thing in common�they were very busy too") and also I was playing with an injury.
What good can come of this?

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