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Mario Puzo
B. 10.15.20 New York City / D. 7.2.99 Bay Shore, Long Island
Heart Attack

Angelic voice�chiming in when I take just-a just-a just another instant before turning off the TV to see what�s next on Cinemax�because it might be Spy Kids�but instead I read The Wash Starring Dr. Dre Snoop Doggy Dog.
A planned unilateral diplomatic response to Courtney Love.
Oh! No! No! No!
Impossibly beautiful! Unsurpassable! I refer of course to the closing passage of Sid & Nancy now,
if only for its Staten Island view across to the shores of Lower Manhattan where the two towers�green, the deepest most vitreous green�share an ermine stole that billows round their graceful necks�high mists, sunrise-flecked, filmed before they dissipated.
Spent the whole damn evening of what�s supposed to be the Lord�s day trying to internet-track down the source of the saying �Keep your friends close but keep your enemies closer� for a piece that was running as follows:

The perfect gift from heaven�the apartment of my dreams. World peace�I want that too of course. . .very much. . .and once ensconced in the apartment of my dreams I shall want it all the more�I promise. Meanwhile don�t waste another weekend telling me they�re going to kill Arafat�don�t bother trying to start me up again. Wolf! Wolf! I�ll tell you it�s just like in the saying�that saying they have. . .

Wading through a noxious plethora
of putatively-researched attributions to �Michael Corleone,� I came at last to The Art of War by Sun Tzu of somewhere in China (c. 550-496 B.C.). Business publishing sites especially abound in pages which assign this as the source�erroneously;
Bull. Shit.
as I learned upon reading it for myself, and then scanning it through again for key words and phrase variations. Obviously some obscurely-motivated gang of freakheads has pushed this silly lie hard enough for it to become common currency.
Eh! Basta!
I�m forced to choose between wrong and wrong. . .so Mario Puzo it is.

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